What is Parikrama? Know the philosophical significance of Parikrama

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What is Parikrama
What is Parikrama

Parikrama has great importance in Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism. The simple meaning of Parikrama is to go round a holy place, temple or idol from its left side or to walk around any pilgrimage or religious place without slippers or shoes. It is called Parikrama. Often people circumambulate temples and shrines. Also, Parikrama has special significance in Braj Dham Vrindavan, Mathura and Govardhan Dham. Since the Vedic period, people have circumambulated without slippers in order to honor any human being, cow, idol of God, pilgrimage or holy places. The practice of parikrama in other religions around the world is a gift of Hindu religion. Parikrama is performed in Kaaba and Bodh Gaya.

Who did Parikrama for the first time in Hinduism?

In Hindu religion, Parikrama was done for the first time by Bhagwan Kartikeya and Ganesh. Once, mata Parvati and Mahadev asked Ganesh and Bhagwan Kartikeya to revolve around the universe. After which Kartikeya set out for Parikrama riding on his peacock, but Ganesh ji’s vahan Mushak was moving very slowly, on which Ganesh ji used his wisdom and considered his parents as creations, Parvati and Shiva ji. Started circling. It is said that the practice of Parikrama in Hindu religion started from Ganesh and Kartikeya.

What is the philosophical significance of Parikrama?

The philosophical importance of rotation is that every planet and constellation in the entire universe revolves around some star and this rotation is the truth of life. Similarly, every human being’s life is a cycle and to understand this cycle a symbol like Parikrama has been created. Similarly, the entire creation is contained in God and by circumambulating Him we believe that we have circumambulated the entire creation.

This is the main parikrama done in Hindu religion.

Parikrama of Dev temples and idols, in this, religious places like Braj Dham, Jagannath, Rameshwaram, Thiruvananthapuram, Tiruvannamalai are circumambulated. In the idol, Durga, Shiva, Vishnu, Hanuman ji and Ganesh and other devi, devi revolve around the murti.
In the parikrama of rivers, many revered rivers including Ganga, Narmada, Saryu, Kaveri and Godavari are circumambulated.

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