Are Brown Foods Really Healthier than White Foods?

To stay healthy, what should be eaten, what food should be given up, and what should be limited in quantity, such questions are in everyone's mind. In today's time, there is a lot of discussion about healthy diet. Some foods have completely disappeared from their plate to stay fit and some foods have become more preferred. Many types of debates also go on regarding healthy foods. Some foods are such that some experts consider them healthy and some keep them in the category of unhealthy. There is also a debate about what is more healthy in white foods and brown foods.

By the way, brown foods are considered healthier than white foods. Even in food it is advised to eat brown rice, bread and sugar instead of white bread, rice and sugar, but is it really so? Are brown foods really healthier than white foods, if so, then what is the reason behind it, let's understand it.

Brown Foods vs White Foods

How to choose your healthy food?

According to experts, you should not choose your food just by looking at the color of the food, but you should choose your food on the basis of the nutritional value inside them, your digestibility, the way the food is made and the ingredients used in making it. Also, keep in mind the portion size of food for a balanced meal.

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