Reasons of Urinary Tract Infection in Female

Urinary tract infection, also known as UTI, is a problem faced by women which causes pain in the stomach and pelvis. Due to this infection, one feels like urinating frequently and there is burning and irritation while urinating. This infection occurs when bacteria enter the urinary tract, E. Coli is a common bacteria that causes infection. As per research, approximately 50% of women are affected by this infection in their lifetime. UTI's are one of the most common clinical bacterial infections in women, accounting for approximately 25% of all infections.

The urinary system includes your kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. In most infections the lower urinary tract, bladder and urethra are affected. Women are more prone to getting UTI than men. If the infection is limited to the bladder, it may be painful.

Causes of Urinary Tract Infection

From hormonal changes to different phases of a woman's reproductive cycle, there are many reasons why women are more likely to get UTIs than men.

How to cure urinary tract infection (Treatment of UTI)

If you get an infection early, then pay attention to good hygiene and avoid consumption of chilli, spicy or spicy, oily food and alcohol during this period. To ensure that the problem of UTI does not become serious, contact your doctor.

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