Should One Drink Water after Eating Guava or Not?

Guava is a very tasty and health beneficial fruit. This is generally one of everyone's favorite fruits. This provides great benefits to health. You must have noticed that after eating guava, you feel very thirsty and when you drink water, often the elders in the house refuse to drink water. Have you wondered why one should not drink water after eating guava? If you are looking for the answer to the question then we are giving you information about it.

Why One Should Not Drink Water after Eating Guava

Experts say that one should not drink water immediately after eating guava. This is not considered good for health at all. Actually it affects the digestive system. Fruits contain sugar and drinking water after eating them can dilute the stomach acid, which leads to gas formation in the stomach. The combination of fruits and water may interfere with the absorption and digestion process in the stomach resulting in acidity. Guava is a water rich food, hence if you drink water from above then the pH level of the stomach may get disturbed. Guava contains fiber which helps in softening the stool but if you drink water on top of that then the bowel movement can become more smooth.

When Should You Drink Water?

To avoid all these problems, it is advised to avoid drinking water after eating fruits. Keep a time gap between eating guava and drinking water, the ideal time gap should be at least 45 to 50 minutes.