What Ayurvedic dosha do you have—vata, pitta, or kapha?

One of the oldest and most popular systems of holistic health is ayurveda. Ayurveda, which combines mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, emphasises whole-body healing and holds that a person's dosha, or type of bodily humour, affects their personality and health (1Trusted Source).

Despite the fact that the English translation of Ayurveda is "the science of life," many medical experts doubt the existence of personal doshas because there isn't any hard evidence to support them. Ayurveda supporters assert that utilising dosha-specific health regiments promotes harmony and wellbeing .

All movement is regulated by vata, including breathing, heartbeat, all muscle contractions, tissue movement, and nerve system and mind connection. Additionally, it is in charge of managing all natural urges like as hunger, thirst, urination, excretion, sleep, etc. and ensuring that the body is capable of breathing and having healthy tissues, or dhatus.

Pitta is in charge of the body's metabolism and the digestive system's smooth operation. It is said to be situated above the navel in the upper abdomen. Pitta is in charge of making sure the digestive system runs normally. Pitta, the fire element, maintains a regular body temperature.

Vata is the body's vigour, vitality, and immunity are all provided by the kapha dosha. It's thought to be towards the chest. It gives the body's structural support and sturdiness. Because it contains water, it hydrates tissues and cells. It also maintains the skin's moisture.
