World Hemophilia Day

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World Hemophilia Day April 17th
World Hemophilia Day April 17th

Generally, in case of injury, cut etc., a special type of protein present in the blood becomes active. This starts the process of clotting of blood and after some time bleeding stops, but when the body is unable to process blood, this condition is called hemophilia. Actually hemophilia is a genetic disorder related to bleeding.

What is hemophilia?

Hemophilia stops the blood clotting process in the body. Due to X chromosome being the carrier of this disorder, its flow is found from women to men. Talking about diagnosis, there is still no level of awareness in this regard so that people can remain alert before conception if they have a family history of hemophilia. However, with the help of gene therapy, this disease can be prevented to a great extent.

Types of hemophilia

Hemophilia A and B are the most common types. If the patient is suffering from both these types of hemophilia, he has to face bleeding for a long time. If there is hemophilia, then the utmost attention should be paid to avoiding bleeding and treating it.

Symptoms of Hemophilia

  • Multiple large or deep wounds on the body.
  • Pain, stiffness, or swelling in joints
  • Nose bleeding without reason
  • Many target points are formed in a child suffering from hemophilia. For example, sometimes a lump forms on the shoulder and sometimes on the knee.
  • The child may experience unbearable pain. He vomits again and again.
  • Prolonged severe headache
  • Feeling extremely tired

Keep these things in mind

  • Now the profile of such patients is prepared. This tells us what level of hemophilia one has.
  • Weekly medicines have also started being available, due to which better management of haemophilia is now possible.
  • If there is a history of this disease in the family, then the couple should get themselves tested for hemophilia before the birth of the child.
  • If you are a victim of hemophilia, focus on treatment instead of taking stress.
  • Hemophilia patients should pay attention to good eating habits to replenish the lost blood.

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