World Hypertension Day

Nowadays, due to stress, irregular lifestyle and wrong eating habits, the problem of high BP has become quite common. High blood pressure or high BP is called hypertension in medical language. Till a time, the problem of high blood pressure used to trouble people only after a certain age. But, in today's time, the problem of high BP is being seen among the youth also. High BP is known as a silent killer. Today, on World Hypertension Day, we are telling you about some habits which can cause increase in BP. Yes, knowingly or unknowingly we adopt some such habits in everyday life, which can cause increase in BP. To control BP, it is important to give up these habits.

Wrong Eating Habits

High sodium diet, intake of saturated fats and increased cholesterol can be the cause of hypertension. If you consume too many processed foods, fast food and sugary drinks, it can increase BP. Therefore, the amount of sodium in the diet should be low and to stay healthy, eat fresh home-cooked food.

Decrease in Physical Activity

People who do not include exercise and yoga in their daily routine, their weight increases rapidly. Obesity is a main cause of high BP. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a healthy weight. For this, include exercise in your routine along with proper diet.


If you are under stress for a long time, then it also affects the BP level. As stress increases, the amount of cortisol hormone increases, due to which BP increases. By being under stress for a long time, you may have the problem of high blood pressure. To manage this, do yoga and meditation. Also, try to stay away from stress.

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption

Smoking and alcohol consumption narrow the blood vessels. Due to this, blood flow does not occur properly. Smoking directly damages the blood vessels. Due to this, there is a risk of increased BP and heart diseases.

Lack of Sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, it can also cause the problem of hypertension. When we sleep, the body regulates the stress hormone cortisol and BP. Lack of sleep affects this process and can increase BP.

Excessive Caffeine Intake

Consuming caffeine in reasonable amounts usually does not harm people. But, if you take too much caffeine, it may increase BP. Therefore, drink tea, coffee or other energy drinks in limited quantities. Especially, if someone in your family has BP problem or you are overweight.