Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis rises; Official state that 2000 to 4000 refugees may arrive in Tamil Nadu.

As the economic crisis is been peaking in Sri Lanka, the price of essential commodities heightened resulting in residents beginning to flock to Tamil Nadu. The refugees are crossing the sea and are arriving in Tamil Nadu. Officials state that if the crisis deepens it will lead to an utmost 2000 to 4000 refugees landing in Tamil Nadu.

On Wednesday, ten people including five children reached the Indian coasts. Also, a family of six Sri Lankan Tamils, including four children were encountered by the Indian Coast Guard near Fourth Island, Rameswaram, and were handed over to the Coastal Security Group.

The refugees arriving in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday faced a tribulation when while crossing the sea, the engine stopped and the anchor was lost. The refugees got stuck. After resolving the issue, they reached in the midnight.

One of the Tamil refugees Sivasankari stated why she decided to leave and land in Tamil Nadu. she said that there was ‘no hope for survival there’.

Another refugee, Siva said- “A kilo of rice costs Rs 250 - 300. I worked in Mannar. I left with my wife and my sister’s family. Many more families are getting ready to leave. We came to Tamil Nadu in 1990 and stayed at Mandap camp for 15 years and then went back. Now we have to return once again”.
