Patanjali to issue a Public Apology after a Blow from SC

With the recent development in the Patanjali’s case of false and misleading advertisements, Supreme Court on Tuesday summoned the founders of the company, the famous Yoga Guru, Baba Ramdev and the managing director of Patanjali, Balkrishna, demanding suitable steps to be taken in a week, in order to undo the damage done.

Baba Ramdev was questioned by the court on Tuesday regarding the breach of court orders that forbade Patanjali from spreading false advertisements on health cures and undermining other medical approaches. Justices Hima Kohli and Ahsanuddin Amanullah were stern while addressing their charges of contempt of court, as a result of the advertisements of Patanjali that claimed to cure diseases. This was a violation of the court’s previous directives and undertaking given by Patanjali in this matter.

The court proceedings began by Ramdev facing tough confrontations by the court on demeaning other forms of medicine in the country in order to uplift his company. The court conversed in Hindi with Ramdev and Balkrishna. Ramdev expressed his “unqualified and unconditional apology” for his conduct that displeased the body. He said that he never intended to degrade other medical practices, including contemporary medicine, also known as allopathy in India.

Whatever you do, it has to be within the four corners of the law... You cannot denigrate or shoot down other systems to promote your system. We won’t allow that. You are before us because you have apparently committed contempt...There are incurable diseases, and no advertisements are allowed in respect of them. Law is equal for everyone. And if you think your system has a cure, prove it before the government panel first,” the bench told him.

This country and its people have hopes from you. You should not have done all this... You cannot degrade allopathy. Don’t denigrate any other system,” it said.

In order to accept his mistake and promise to remain mindful in the near future, Ramdev said that, “The court is right. I will be extremely careful in future so that there is no defiance of a court order, or my position becomes delicate because of my mistakes. It happened because of our zealousness to tell the world about our discoveries and research. But we should have been more careful,” he added. Balakrishna was in support of the statement, showcasing their respect towards the court’s concerns and their commitment to more responsible advertising.

As soon as the court proceedings started, senior counsel Mukul Rohatgi, the one representing the Patanjali Ayurved empire, offered to issue a public apology. However, the bench called upon the two founders, Ramdev and Balkrishna for an interaction. The court said that it will think about whether or not they are going to accept their apology.

 “At times, it does not appear that the apology is from the heart when you try to justify what you did. There has been a violation of not one but three court orders. Today, we are not saying ‘we condone you’. We are still deciding whether to accept your apology. You cannot be considered as ignorant as you could defy three court orders,” the bench stated.

Turning to their lawyer, the bench said that Ramdev and Balkrishna can take actions that they feel are appropriate for redeeming their misdeeds. The court scheduled the next hearing for April 27th

Personality does not matter...You are part of the system. You and I understand but there are some people who don’t. Institutions matter, personalities don’t. The majesty of the institution and the Constitution are supreme...that is above us and that is important,” it told Rohatgi, who assured the bench Patanjali would be mindful of their future actions and that he would advise the founders as an officer of the court.