Sweden’s Breakthrough: The World’s First “Living Computer” Using Human Brain Tissue

In a groundbreaking development in technology and neuroscience, Swedish researchers have created the world's first "living computer" using human brain tissue. This revolutionary innovation involves 16 organoids—tiny clumps of lab-grown brain cells that communicate with each other similarly to how circuits operate in a conventional computer chip. What sets this system apart is its remarkably low energy consumption; living neurons use over a million times less energy than current digital processors.

The development, spearheaded by FinalSpark, a company dedicated to utilizing biological neural networks for innovative solutions, marks a significant leap in computing technology. The researchers compared the efficiency of these brain-based organoids with some of the most advanced computers, such as the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Frontier. They discovered that the human brain can operate at comparable speeds and possesses 1,000 times more memory while consuming only 10 to 20 watts of energy. This is a stark contrast to the 21 megawatts used by high-end computers.

The organoids themselves are sophisticated three-dimensional tissue cultures derived from stem cells. The development process involves culturing stem cells for about a month, during which they begin to exhibit features similar to neurons. Each mini-brain used in the experiment comprised approximately 10,000 neurons, each about 0.5mm in diameter.

One of the most intriguing aspects of this technology is the method used to train the organoids, which involves a reward mechanism utilizing dopamine. When the organoids successfully complete tasks, they are rewarded with dopamine, administered through light stimulation that mimics the natural dopamine release in the human brain. This approach not only enhances the learning process of the organoids but also mirrors the way human brains develop and learn.

The experimental setup includes the organoids being encased in a structure surrounded by eight electrodes. These electrodes serve a dual purpose: they measure the activity within the organoids and allow researchers to influence neuronal behavior by sending currents through them. This setup provides a way to both monitor and guide the organoids' development, making the system highly interactive and adaptable.

This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize the field of computing. By harnessing the power of living neurons, researchers are paving the way for more energy-efficient and powerful computing systems. The implications of such technology are vast, spanning from advanced artificial intelligence to new methods of understanding and treating neurological disorders.

While still in its early stages, the "living computer" represents a significant step towards more sustainable and efficient computing technologies. As research progresses, it is expected that these biological systems could eventually outperform traditional silicon-based computers in various applications, leading to a new era of computing.

The successful development and demonstration of the "living computer" in Sweden underscore the growing intersection between biology and technology. As scientists continue to explore and refine these biological computing systems, the future holds exciting possibilities for both fields, promising advancements that could transform multiple aspects of science, technology, and medicine.