IIM Amritsar Students Protest Lack of Air Conditioning Amid Severe Heatwave

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IIM Amritsar Students Protest Lack of Air Conditioning Amid Severe Heatwave
IIM Amritsar Students

Amritsar, Punjab – Students at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Amritsar have launched a unique protest that has quickly gained traction on social media. In response to the sweltering heatwave gripping Punjab, which has seen temperatures soar above 45 degrees Celsius, the students are sleeping in the air-conditioned hostel mess area to draw attention to their demands for air conditioning in their hostel rooms.

AD 4nXfNk18J2x4BOF39KfbFjDyBQ6Dnz6K0oS06vLpji S7rGE546 Rg1jwbO3Fb494ZivGGa IIM Amritsar Students Protest Lack of Air Conditioning Amid Severe Heatwave

A video of the protest, widely shared online, shows students sprawled out on the floors and tables of the mess hall, using it as a makeshift sleeping area. This demonstration is a stark illustration of the severe discomfort they are experiencing due to the extreme heat.

The ongoing heatwave has exacerbated the already challenging conditions in Amritsar, making the lack of air conditioning in the hostel rooms a pressing issue. Students have described the indoor temperatures as unbearable, with one recent graduate of IIM Amritsar highlighting the severity of the situation in a comment on the viral post.

“This heat is unbearable. Last year we made similar requests, but they went unheard. With temperatures this high, it feels even hotter indoors, making it impossible to sleep or study comfortably,” the graduate wrote, echoing the sentiments of many current students.

The protest has sparked significant engagement on social media, with numerous users expressing solidarity with the students. Many have pointed out the need for adequate living conditions to support the students’ academic performance and overall well-being.

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In response to the escalating situation, IIM Amritsar administration has acknowledged the students’ demands. However, no official statement has been made regarding immediate steps to address the issue. The administration’s silence has only fueled the students’ determination to continue their protest until tangible action is taken.

Local health officials have also expressed concern over the impact of the heatwave, advising residents to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses. With temperatures remaining dangerously high, the students’ plight underscores the urgent need for measures to ensure their safety and comfort.

The lack of air conditioning in the hostel rooms has been a longstanding issue. Previous appeals by students went largely unaddressed, leading to growing frustration. This year’s unprecedented heatwave has intensified the urgency of their requests, pushing the students to adopt more visible and impactful methods of protest.

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Experts in student welfare and campus facilities have weighed in on the situation, emphasizing the importance of adequate living conditions in educational institutions. “Students need a conducive environment to thrive academically. Prolonged exposure to extreme heat without proper cooling can lead to serious health issues and hinder academic performance,” said Dr. Rajesh Gupta, a consultant in student welfare.

As the protest continues, the students of IIM Amritsar are calling for immediate action from the administration to install air conditioning in their hostel rooms. Their unique form of protest has not only captured widespread attention but also highlighted a critical issue that affects their daily lives and academic success.

The situation at IIM Amritsar serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of addressing student concerns promptly and effectively, especially in the face of extreme weather conditions. The outcome of this protest remains to be seen, but the students’ resilience and determination have already made a significant impact.

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