NHAI: India to Soon Have Self-Healing Roads To Repair Potholes

The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is embarking on a groundbreaking journey toward revolutionizing road maintenance practices across the nation. At the heart of this endeavor lies an innovative self-healing asphalt technology, poised to reshape the landscape of India's road infrastructure and mitigate the perennial menace of potholes, which pose a grave threat to road safety and public well-being.

Speaking to ET under the cloak of anonymity, a senior government official shed light on the transformative potential of this cutting-edge approach. By leveraging the intrinsic properties of self-healing asphalt, road durability can be substantially enhanced, offering a viable antidote to the vexing challenge of potholes that plague India's highways and byways. With the ability to autonomously mend cracks and fissures, this pioneering technology holds the promise of reducing the frequency of road maintenance endeavors, thereby curtailing traffic disruptions and fostering smoother vehicular passage.

Central to the mechanism of self-healing asphalt is a strategic integration of small steel wool fragments within the bitumen matrix, the adhesive component of asphalt pavement. This ingenious augmentation renders the bitumen electrically conductive, paving the way for transformative advancements in road maintenance. Through the utilization of an induction machine, the conductive bitumen can be selectively heated, inducing a state of fluidity that facilitates seamless reintegration with the aggregate constituents of the pavement, thereby effectuating the repair of fissures and fortifying the structural integrity of the road surface.

Before embarking on a nationwide rollout of this transformative technology, the government is committed to conducting a meticulous cost-benefit analysis. This prudent approach seeks to ascertain the economic viability and operational efficacy of self-healing asphalt, ensuring that the substantial investment yields tangible dividends in the form of enhanced road durability and minimized maintenance expenditures. In a landscape fraught with myriad challenges, prudent fiscal stewardship emerges as a guiding principle, guiding decision-makers toward judicious investments that yield sustainable outcomes.

The imperative for embracing such innovative solutions is underscored by alarming statistics that lay bare the toll exacted by pothole-related accidents on India's national highways. Recent data reveals a disconcerting 22.6% surge in road accidents attributed to potholes in the year 2022, culminating in a staggering toll of 1,856 fatalities—an ominous 25.3% increase from the preceding year. Against this sobering backdrop, the imperative for proactive intervention becomes all the more pronounced, underscoring the urgency of adopting transformative technologies that fortify road resilience and safeguard public safety.

In consonance with its unwavering commitment to fostering road safety and infrastructure resilience, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has allocated a substantial budgetary outlay for road maintenance endeavors in the fiscal year 2024-25. With Rs 2,600 crore earmarked for this purpose, the government's financial commitment reflects a steadfast determination to confront the scourge of potholes head-on, deploying innovative solutions like self-healing asphalt to fortify the nation's road infrastructure against the vagaries of time and weather.

As India marches steadfastly toward a future defined by progress and prosperity, the adoption of transformative technologies like self-healing asphalt stands as a testament to the nation's unwavering resolve to surmount challenges and chart a course toward sustainable development. In harnessing the power of innovation, India embarks on a journey of resilience and renewal, laying the foundation for a safer, smoother, and more prosperous tomorrow for generations to come.